...at the supermarket







    Shopping carts are one of the germiest parts of the grocery store—particularly the handles. Because a good majority of germs are transmitted through hands, touching the grocery cart with your hands means high spreading germs to others. However, if you need to use a grocery cart at the store so you can stock up, you should spray it with Iyashi Mizu or wear gloves to avoid contacting (and spreading) germs.











      The handles for those refrigerator doors are another alarming "germy" area of the grocery store. Because it's another object used in the store that you touch with your hands, germs can easily be shared and spread. While you can't avoid touching the handles of these doors to open them, you can take particular precautions like whipping out your bottle of Iyashi Mizu to spray on the handles to open those doors.











        A lot of people will pick up different produce in order to inspect and pick out which one they want—so who knows how many people really touched that green bell pepper that you just picked out? It's probably safer, in terms of germs, to find produce that has been sealed in a bag. Or make sure that your vegetables are properly sprayed with Iyashi Mizu before you bag it and put it into your shopping cart.











          Here’s where you can sanitize all your selection before bagging them and taking them home. As you’re placing them on the checkout counter, give all your groceries a good spray with your Iyashi Mizu before the cashier takes and scans them for you. This way, you’re not only sanitizing your groceries but you’re also helping the cashier sanitize her hands at the same time.  
















            It's no surprise that credit card screens are one of the germiest spots in the grocery store as well. Just like with self-checkout screens, credit card screens are also an item used by numerous people in the store. Before you put your fingers on the keypad, spray your hands before and after touching it. Better still, spray the keypads with your Iyashi Mizu.